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Parkinson Disease Treatment In Ayurveda

What Should I Expect At An Appointment

Parkinson’s disease Treatment in Ayurveda – Causes, Symptoms & Diet

There is no norm or typical session as this will vary from one practitioner to another. Each individual will react differently to treatment so for some treatment may be short whilst for others longer may be needed.

Diagnosis is usually by three main methods: detailed observation of your appearance, examination of the body by touch , and detailed questioning about your life and health.

After diagnosis your practitioner should discuss with you your treatment plan, including how many sessions you might need, and this plan should be updated as treatment progresses.

What Happens In Parkinsons Disease

Substantia nigra is a small part of the brain. These parts secrets a chemical- dopamine. Dopamine is a hormone and neurotransmitter. It is responsible for many activities in the brain and body. This is also synthesized in kidneys along with the brain and other tissues. But external dopamine, other than produced in the brain, cannot cross the blood-brain barrier. Therefore external source is of least use.

When this neurotransmitter is not efficient in working. It leads to the problem of Parkinsons disease.

This happens in two ways.

Firstly, when dopamine is not able to communicate with the neural cells. And secondly, when production of the dopamine is not good. In both conditions, dopamine is not able to work efficiently. This causes problems with the activities of the brain which control through dopamine.

Here we need to know a bit more about dopamine. So that we can understand activities of the dopamine in a better way. This will help us to find about the Ayurveda treatment for Parkinsons disease.

Ayur Bethaniya Ayurveda Hospital

We have been prescribing treatment plans for patients with Kampa Vata/ Parkinsons disease. The Ayurveda doctors at Ayur Bethaniya examine the patients health conditions, nature of the body, and familial history before commencing ayurvedic treatment for Parkinsons disease.

Body nature, lifestyle, and diet can have a direct effect on our health. Corrections and regulations in the diet are the basic requirements for obtaining the right results. The doctors at Ayur Bethaniya will suggest stipulated diets and physical activities towards curing the illness and re-establishing health.

The ayurvedic treatment for Parkinsons disease includes Nasya, Basti, and uniquely developed treatment methods to the cleansing of the body and removing Vata doshas. The periodicity of treatment can extend from 21 to 28 days depending on the patients health conditions, the severity of the disease, and the expected recovery period. It will not only control Parkinsons but also prevent other Vata-related diseases too.

It is always advisable to commence the Ayurveda treatment for Parkinsons disease without trying Allopathic treatments. The results are observed to be exceptional in such cases.

Ayur Bethaniya believes in custom-tailored Ayurveda treatment for Parkinsons disease. Hence, each patient will be monitored before suggesting medications, dietary regulations, and physical exercises. The comprehensive treatment will re-energize the patient to be a new human being.

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Parkinson’s Disease In Ayurveda Literature

Although aetiology of the disease not well known. PD is believed to be due to a combination of genetic and environmental factors. The factors as accelerated ageing, neurodegenerative changes, increased free radical and iron content in the Substantia Nigra repeated head injury, environmental factors as pesticides, contribute in the pathogenesis of this disease.

Herbal Remedies For Parkinson’s Disease By Planet Ayurveda

Natural Ayurvedic Treatment for Parkinson

Planet Ayurveda provides best combination of effective herbal remedies such as Parkinsonism Care Pack for ayurvedic treatment of parkinson’s disease . These herbal remedies are prepared from using best quality herbs and strictly follow the principles of Ayurveda. All these herbal remedies of Planet Ayurveda are 100 percent pure, natural and vegetarian. These are free from chemicals, additives and preservatives. These are safe to use as these are free from side effects.

  • Brahmi Capsules – 1 capsule twice daily with warm water after meals.
  • Vrihat Vatchintamani Ras – 1 tablet twice daily with warm water after meals.
  • Musli Strength – 1 capsule twice daily with warm water after meals.
  • Zandopa Powder – 1 teaspoonful, twice daily after meals.
  • Ashwagandha Capsules – 1 capsule twice daily with warm water after meals.
  • Brahmi Chyawanprash – 1 teaspoonful, twice daily after meals, preferably with milk.
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    Is It Possible To Reverse The Pathological Process Of Parkinsons Disease

    Aging is something that cannot be reversed we know well. Then how can I be the work on such conditions?

    How can Ayurveda Ayurveda reverse the process of aging?

    These are valid questions

    Ayurveda cannot reverse the process of aging. But certainly, Ayurveda has a scope to slow down the process of aging.

    Besides this Ayurveda can also work on the complicated causes of aging. It can be DNA damage that causes the regular speeding up of the process of aging.

    Or it can be the toxic impact of sleeping pills or alcohol.

    There are certain medicines and ways that are proven to assist in these.

    Before anything, we need to find out the root cause of the problem.

    If it is about diet and lifestyle, you need to change your diet and lifestyle completely.

    Without removing the cause of the problem this is not quite possible to help a patient.

    In my clinical practices, I have seen many patients who were taking antidepressant pills regularly or sleeping pills and these patients commonly get the conditions like cerebral atrophy or Parkinsons disease. And because of dependency on these medicines to sleep, the condition keeps on complicating.

    Here we need to make sure that these medicines should discontinue.

    Precautionary Measures And Tips For Neurological Problems:

  • If you are suffering from any of the neuro-disorders then avoid buffalos milk. It can increase the symptom and in opposite cows milk is a good remedy for brain problems.
  • Spicy and heavy food should be avoided.
  • Cauliflower is the enemy of brain problems cabbage is a good thing but you must avoid cauliflower, jack fruit and other heavy food stuffs.
  • If you are suffering from digestive problem then instead of Ashwagandha churna practice Ashwagandha risht.
  • Those suffering from Parkinsons disease should increase the fibre content in their diet. Cereals, bran, pasta, fresh fruits etc should be included.
  • Salt and sugar intake should be minimized and control.
  • You should avoid cholesterol and saturated fats in your diet.
  • Water intake should be 8-9 glass a day.
  • Those suffering from Parkinsons disease should avoid non-veg foods like red meat, chicken etc.
  • Guys, there are a vast number of option in the treatment of Ayurveda. The best thing about this treatment is it is affordable by everyone. Give Ayurveda a chance, and see its miracle. So, stay natural live safe!

    : 14th May, 2015

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    Causes And Symptoms Of Parkinsons Disease

    The exact cause that leads to Parkinsons has not been identified yet. With the knowledge we have gained through research over the years, we can only assume possible reasons for the disease.


    Genetic Genetic reasons are considered to be the most common cause of the problem. People with parents or grandparents with the issue are more vulnerable.

    Reduced Dopamine Production Dopamine induces easy transmission of signals between neurons. The death of Dopamine producing cells can result in Parkinsons.

    Extensive Usage of Drugs Over usage of drugs can affect brain cells, in turn, causing drug-induced Parkinsons disease.

    Environmental Conditions – The pollution and accumulation of toxins in the air we breathe can also initiate Parkinsons.

    Causes according to Ayurveda The accumulation of Vata dosha in the brain, specifically in the Cerebrum area, can adversely affect the cells. This may trigger Parkinsons. Although it begins in middle age, the condition gets aggravated as the person reaches old age. Ayurvedic treatment for Parkinsons disease may be begun at an early stage to control the intensification of the disease.


    The patients affected with Parkinsons disease exhibit various symptoms indicating the worsening condition. You can consider Ayurveda treatment for Parkinsons disease at the initial observation of symptoms itself. The symptoms include the following.

    Ayurvedic Management For Parkinsons Disease At Eliteayurveda

    Parkinson’s disease cure. Parkinson’s treatment. Ayurveda Parkinson’s
  • Shodhana Chikitsa: Bio-cleansing therapies followed by Palliative therapy should be advocated. (Depends on the strength of the patient and prognosis of the disease.
  • Panchakarma: Based on the condition
  • Herbal medicines which exclusively work on tremors, use herbal nerve tonics to relieve rigidity and nourish the nervous system.
  • Dietary: advice to improve digestion directly contributes to the efficacy of the medicines and treatments given.
  • Practice yoga or meditation to focus on overcoming symptoms, managing internal energies, and relaxation, and reducing stress or anxiety.
  • All the treatments will be customized by the Physician only after detailed consultation. Treatments may be altered as per the individual strength.

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    Few Facts About Parkinsons Disease

    Here are a few facts about Parkinsons disease, which you should know affirmatively.

    • Parkinsons disease is a disease of nervous system.
    • Parkinsons disease is progressive disease.
    • This nervous system disease commonly affects male populations.
    • This is also known as shaking palsy. Therefore some Ayurveda physicians use the word Kampa Vata for the condition of Parkinsons disease.
    • In 2015, Parkinsons Disease affected 6.2 million people and resulted in about 117,400 deaths globally
    • In start Parkinsons remains silent. Therefore diagnosis is delayed.
    • Tremors during rest are common in Parkinsons.
    • The main problem is always disability in movement.
    • Restricted movements doesnt allow a patient to move freely.
    • Above all this condition doesnt have any treatment yet, with allopathy medicines.
    • This comes in a list of incurable diseases, as per the modern medicine.
    • It was considered to be a disease of old age.
    • Nowadays, patients in early ages are more evident.
    • Genetic factors are responsible for this degenerative disease of central nervous system.

    Patients need to depend on the chemicals. Dosage of medicine increases regularly so are the complications of the disease.

    We need to find what Ayurveda can offer for the treatment of this challenging condition. And how can the Ayurveda treatment regime be helpful in Parkinsons disease?

    Causes Of Parkinsons Disease

    As we discussed earlier the main cause of this age-related degenerative condition is loss of nerve cells. Mainly these nerve cells are producing the dopamine which helps in controlling and coordinating the body movements. So if the nerve cells responsible for producing dopamine degenerates then its obvious this will affect the movements of our body and slow down the body movements and lead to abnormal body actions.

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    Causes Of Parkinsons Disease Is

    In Parkinsons disease, neurons in the brain break down gradually or die eventually. Many of the symptoms are due to this loss of neurons only that controls the production of a chemical called dopamine. With an increase or decrease in the level of dopamine, the brain activity slows down, leading to impaired movement and other complications.

    The cause of Parkinsons disease is not known yet, but several factors appear to play a role, including:

    • Genes: Researchers have found out that specific genes can cause Parkinsons disease. But this is a rare condition that occurs only when many family members are affected by Parkinsons disease.
    • Environmental triggers: Exposure to certain toxins or environmental factors can put you at the risk of Parkinsons disease later in your life. But the risk is very low.

    The body responds differently to Parkinsons disease, and these changes can be reflected as.

    • The presence of Lewy bodies: Clusters of specific substances within brain cells are markers of Parkinsons disease. These are called Lewy bodies, and these abnormal proteins in the brains of people with Parkinsons play a role in the development of this disorder.
    • Alpha-synuclein is found within Lewy bodies: Lewy bodies have many substances, and the important one is the protein called alpha-synuclein. It is present in all the antibodies as a clump that is hard to be broken. This is an important measure in the development of Parkinsons disease.

    How Do I Find An Ayurvedic Practitioner


    Ayurvedic practice is not regulated in some countries. It is therefore helpful to ask your doctor or other healthcare professional for recommendations. Friends, family, other people with Parkinsons or your national Parkinsons association may also be able to advise based on personal experience.

    Treatment is not generally state-funded so you may have to pay for any treatment you receive. There are many practitioners in the East but fewer in Europe due to the lengthy and complex training required. Accreditation and training varies throughout Europe so it is best to check the experience of anyone you consult and always ask for references.

    A distinction is generally made between an ayurvedic practitioner and an ayurvedic therapist. A practitioner is qualified to diagnose conditions from an ayurvedic perspective as well as prescribe and administer all ayurvedic therapies, whilst a therapist is qualified to give ayurvedic nutrition and lifestyle advice and administer ayurvedic hands-on treatments such as massage, but not to diagnose conditions or prescribe remedies.

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    What Is Parkinsons Disease According To Ayurveda

    Parkinsons disease is correlated with a disease condition called Kampavata in Ayurveda. As there are also generalized involuntary movements in all parts of the body it is also called vepathu. Vepathu is caused by Vata vitiation and thus the treatments done are mainly concentrated initially on bringing back the Vata into normalcy.

    Ayurvedic Treatment For Kampavata

    Before understanding the details of Ayurvedic treatment, remember that kampavata is a vatavyadhi condition .

    Vatavyadhi diseases are divided into two types

  • Dhatukshayajanya
  • Dhatukshayajanya diseases are caused by the destruction or loss of vital tissues.

    are caused by blockages to the proper flow of energies and nutrients through their channels.

    Treatment plan

    The treatment protocols for the two types of vatavyadhi are absolutely different. Kampavata is such a condition in which both types of Vatavyadhi are included and thus treatment of Kampavata is difficult.

    The treatment plan of a patient with kampavata is determined by the physicians knowledge of the form of vatavyadhi present, as well as the patients unique Prakriti, vikriti, lakshanas, samprapti, satmya, and other factors.

    When the majja dhatu weakens and shrinks, the srotamsi that make up that tissue become hollow leading to dhatukshayajanya vatavyadhi. Vata dosha fills that vacuum, resulting in Vatavyadhi. Any dhatukshayajanya vatavyadhi, including kampavata, can be treated using one of three methods, which can be used simultaneously or sequentially depending on the patients and diseases characteristics.

    • Complete purification and removal of toxic substances from all of the dhatus
    • Controlling vitiation of Vata dosha
    • Correcting the destruction of involved dhatus

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    Parkinsons Disease Symptoms And Treatment

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  • Parkinsons disease may be a slowly progressive disorder that affects movement, muscle control, and balance. a part of the disease method develops as cells are destroyed in certain components of the brain stem, particularly the crescent cell mass referred to as the nucleus niger. Nerve cells in the nucleus niger transmit fibres to tissue set in each side of the brain. There the cells unharness essential neurotransmitters that facilitate control movement and coordination.

    Parkinsons disease may be a slowly progressive upset that affects movement, muscle control, and balance. shaking palsy is an element of a gaggle of conditions referred to as motor system disorders, that are related to the loss of dopamine-producing brain cells. These dopamine-associated motor disorders are named as degenerative disorder. shaking palsy is also one among the foremost knotty and complicated of the medicine disorders.

    Stages Of Parkinsons Disease Are

    Ayurvedic (Indian Herbal Medicine) Management of Parkinson’s Disease

    Many doctors use the Hoehn and Yahr scale to distinguish Parkinsons disease stages. This scale divides symptoms into five stages, and it helps healthcare providers know how advanced the disease has progressed.

    Stage 1: Stage 1 is the mildest form. It is so mild in fact, the symptoms that too mild to be noticed. Often the signs do not interfere with your daily life and tasks.

    Stage 2: The progression from stage 1 to stage 2 takes months or years. The noticeable signs at this stage may include changes in posture and facial expressions.

    Stage 3: At this middle stage, the old symptoms start to become more noticeable such as your slow movements. Imbalance becomes more significant and common. But people with stage 3 Parkinsons can usually lead a normal and healthy life.

    Stage 4: It is a severe stage. At this point, you may find it extremely hard to walk without support. Reactions and muscle movements also reduce to a very extent. Living alone can be unsafe for the patient.

    Stage 5: In this advanced stage, severe symptoms can cause life-endangering situations for patients. They need a wheelchair to walk around and support to stand. Around-the-clock assistance is necessary at this time.

    Also, at this stage, confusion and even hallucinations are quite common. But they appear only in the later stages when the treatment is not taken immediately.

    Diagnosis of Parkinsons disease

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    How Successful Is Ayurvedic Treatment For Parkinsons Disease

    At Sukhayu, we are treating the cases of Parkinsons without using Dopamine. This is moreover like talking about sunlight without sun for many of us. But this is true because Ayurveda doesnt recommend or thinks about dopamines!

    This is because we know that the nervous system needs the balancing of things, not just some external supply of dopamines.

    In name of Ayurveda, the same mistake is made again and again. We kept on working on the tremors through Ayurveda. Secondly, the mistake is to use herbs that carry dopamine. Then what is the difference between the Ayurvedic and Allopathic approaches?

    Undertreatment of Vaidya Pardeep, there are many patients. These patients come from every part of the globe and getting proper results. We are able to give these results, repetitively.

    However, we have only 82% results with patients. We know these mean a lot in a condition similar to Parkinsons. This 82% are the cases where we had withdrawn all medicines and the patient is leading a normal life. But we are working hard to make it possible with the maximum number of patients.

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