Sunday, September 1, 2024

What Is The Best Mucuna Pruriens For Parkinson’s

It Improves Motor Function And Has Anti

Mucuna Pruriens for Parkinson disease pitfalls

A study in Neurotoxicity Research, 2009 investigated the anti-Parkinsons effect of Mucuna pruriens in a detailed manner.

The prime result was that low dose L-dopa from cowhage was as effective in offering neuroprotection as high dose synthetic L-dopa .

Low dose Mucuna pruriens was also effective in ameliorating motor symptoms associated with Parkinsons. Also, it was observed that cowhages ability to impair voluntary movement was less than levodopa.

If you are wondering why we are talking about ability to impair voluntary movement or dyskinetic potential here, then let me take you back to the introduction where I mentioned that on long term or even due to dose fluctuation Levodopa can induce Parkinsons like impaired motor symptoms.

However, this study shows that the velvet beans have a lower potential for causing such side effects than Levodopa alone. Another point observed was that Mucuna pruriens had no rewarding effect in the sense that it was not addictive.

The most popular study quoted with regards to Mucuna pruriens therapeutic efficacy in Parkinsons is Mucuna pruriens in Parkinsons disease: a double blind clinical and pharmacological study by Katzenschlager

In this study, 8 patients who have Parkinsons disease were enrolled in this study. They also experienced side effects like impairment of motion even on a therapeutic dose, and the therapeutic effect of Levodopa lasted for a short period.

The treatment was as follows:

  • High dose Mucuna pruriens
  • Mucuna Contains More Levodopa

    Trials have been conducted in which mucuna seeds are germinated in darkness or in different conditions of light and providing varied nutrients .

    Results showed that by adding oregano to seeds germinated in darkness, mucuna sprouts containing 33% more levodopa have been obtained 16.

    In an attempt to increase the proportion of levodopa in mucuna, researchers selected some cells from the ground, and then grew them grow in a medium that allow nutrients to be supplied.

    In this way they have managed successfully to increase the concentration171819.

    Mucuna Pruriens Supplement Options

    There are several options for anyone seeking a mucuna supplement.

    Mucuna pruriens powder is one of the most popular products. It is possible to add it to food or beverages as required. Capsules are another option that more manufacturers are beginning to offer. They provide a convenient consumption method with more accurate dosing.

    As with all supplements, consumers should only purchase from reputable brands that provide lab reports for their products. Look for positive reviews on third-party sites and compare several options before making a decision.

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    Sample Preparation For Biochemical Studies

    After completion of experiment, the animals were sacrificed by cervical decapitation from each groups , the collection of nigrostriatal tissue was done individually and they were further homogenized in KCl buffer at pH 8.0 complemented with phosphatase and protease inhibitor. Centrifugation of the tissue homogenates was done at 12,000 g at a temperature of 4°C for about 20 min for the estimation of antioxidant enzymes and different biochemical parameters.

    Has Anyone Tried Mucuna Pruriens As A C/l Replacement

    Mucuna Pruriens Wiki: Benefits, Uses, Side Effects and Dosage
  • Rob JohnstonParticipant

    I am trying Mucuna pruriens in place of carbidopa-levodopa 25-100. I am using Dopa Mucuna from Now Foods. .

    I am still working on the dose. I do not experience indigestion.

    I am 70. I was diagnosed with PD in September and began C-L then.

    Anybody else trying Mucuna pruriens?

  • My question is why not just go the prescription route for C/L?

  • December 26, 2020 at 7:19 am#19972Participant


    I dont trust big Pharma, Merck pulled Sinemet immediate release without warning . Generics from different companies do not have the same efficacy for me. Brand Sinimet worked the best for my symptoms.

    here is my blog about it:

    Some links may no longer work since Merck is shuffling stuff around and Sinimet is no where to be found.

  • December 29, 2020 at 2:39 pm#20005Rob JohnstonParticipant

    Mucuna pruriens is a species of beans with a naturally high quantity of levodopa/L-dopa. Scholarly papers suggest that it does not promote dyskenisias as much as C-L and that besides levodopa it has other benefits for PD.

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    Mucuna In Very Low Doses

    We said that it is highly recommended to start with low doses of mucuna in order to discern a suitable treatment for each case and situation. Therefore, I suggest starting with presentations of very low amounts of mucuna, for example, rather than those listed principally to treat the Parkinsons disease, those that are sold with general indications as tonics, aphrodisiacs or revitalizers.

    Be Careful When Buying Mucuna

    A consumer may purchase capsules of 200 mg of levodopa with a 15% concentration or 800 mg tablets with a 50% concentration, and these are two completely different products. Sometimes patients have bought the product on eBay knowing nothing of their provider, and they receive a package whose content is not guaranteed and whose concentration is not safe. The patient then will then dilute the material in water without knowing how much to measure out. Always use Mucuna extracts that are dispensed by known, reliable suppliers. In the final chapter, we give a brief description of some of these.

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    For Your Peace Of Mind

    Certain research groups would imply that that these pharmacological effects could possibly be due to the presence of an amino acid known as L- Dopa or Levodopa that is present in Mucuna. L- Dopa is a precursor of the neurotransmitter Dopamine, the motivation molecule. Dopamine is the main neurotransmitter in the brain, which plays various important roles in the brain and body . It is heavily involved with attention span, motor movements and our ability to experience pleasure. Our Dopamine content in the brain can drop due to different factors for example, complications with certain receptors in the brain or with the instrumental process that produces adequate amounts of it. But essentially, the dopamine content in brain tissue is reduced when the conversion of tyrosine to L- Dopa is blocked.

    Old But New Natural Antidepressant

    Mucuna Pruriens (Kapikacchu) for treatment of Parkinson’s Disease

    A study conducted in 2014 on mice using a hydro- alcoholic extract of Mucuna seeds sought to investigate the proclaimed anti- depressant effects of Mucuna. The mice were put through a Forced Swimming Test , Tail Suspension Test and a Chronic Unpredictable Mild Stress Test to determine how Mucuna affected the test subjects. In the FST, mice were divided into groups, each consisting of six animals. On the seventh day of treatment, one hour after Mucuna administration each animal was subject to a Forced Swimming Test. Mice were made to swim individually. Two swim sessions were conducted. An initial 15 minute pretest followed by a 5 minute test 24 hours later. The duration of immobility, characterized by complete cessation of swimming with the head floating just above water level was determined during the final 5 minute period of the test. This decrease of immobility was indicative of an antidepressant effect on behalf of the Mucuna extract.

    The FST involves placing an animal, usually a rat or mice, in a cylinder with enough water so that it cannot touch the bottom with its hind paws. A normal animal would show an immediate burst of activity, try to escape and then eventually adopt an immobile posture, where it will only make those movements necessary to keep its head above water. This swim test is used to asses the animals responsive to stress.

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    Who Makes Best Mucuna Pruriens

    Hi, I wondered if anyone knows the safest source to purchase Mucuna Pruriens? I am cautious due to all the supplements that are not what they say they are. Interesting site to learn about it: .


    Ive been taking Mucuna for symptom relief for about 1.5 years. Having tried many products Ive settled on 3: Barlows 40%, Herbal Island 20%, and Paradise Herbs 15%. The percentages are stated L-Dopa content. All available on Amazon. Im limiting my total intake to 1gm L-Dopa equivalent per day. A couple things to note: a Mucuna dose only lasts 5-6 hours and is best taken on an empty stomach, one hour before or two hours after a meal. If you follow Sylvestrov on this forum he has some interesting posts on supplements that complement Mucuna, aid absorption and maximize on-time, such as green tea extract, Quercetin, and some others. So far, Mucuna is working for me, providing some symptom relief with no side effects.

    Thanks so much for your reply. When do you use which percentage mucuna?

    Lipid Peroxidation And Gsh Test

    Estimation of Lipid peroxidation was done in the same way as described previously with fewer modifications in the nigrostriatal tissue of the mouse brain. Briefly, for measuring the concentration of malondialdehyde , a reaction mixture containing 10% tissue homogenate was added in 10% SDS solution and was kept at room temperature for 5 min. After that, 20% acetic acid was added and the solution was incubated 25 min. At last 0.8% Thio-barbituric acid TBA was added and the solution was kept in a boiling water bath for 1 h. The reaction mixture was then allowed to cool, centrifugation was done and absorbance of the supernatant was taken at 532 nm against control. Expression of LPO levels was done as nano moles MDA/mg protein. Glutathione reductase level in the brain homogenate was measured by the method described previously and reported as M GSH/mg tissue.

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    Knowing Your Beans In Parkinsons Disease: A Critical Assessment Of Current Knowledge About Different Beans And Their Compounds In The Treatment Of Parkinsons Disease And In Animal Models

    Michel Rijntjes

    1Dept. of Neurology, Medical Center, University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany


    This review contains a critical appraisal of current knowledge about the use of beans in both animal models and patients with Parkinsons disease . The potential beneficial effects of beans in PD are increasingly being touted, not only in scientific journals but also by the lay media. While there is a long tradition in Ayurvedic medicine of prescribing extracts from Mucuna pruriens , whose seeds contain 5% L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanin , many other beans also contain L-DOPA or have other ingredients that may benefit PD patients. Indeed, bean-derived compounds can elicit neuroprotective effects in animal models of PD, while several studies in human PD patients have shown that motor performance can improve after ingestion of bean extracts. However, there are several arguments countering the view that beans serve as a natural therapy for PD: the results from animal PD models are not necessarily directly applicable to humans beans have many bioactive ingredients, some of which can be harmful in large doses studies in human PD patients are scarce and only report on the effects of single doses or the administration of bean extract over short periods of time and no data on long-term efficacy or side effects of bean therapy are available. Therefore, reservations about the use of beans as a natural therapy for PD seem to be justified.

    1. Introduction

    2. Methods

    2.2. Vicia faba

    The Benefits Of Mucuna Pruriens

    Morbo di Parkinson: curarlo con il Mucuna Pruriens ...

    Mucuna pruriens is a rich sources of natural L-dopa, accounting for about 7% of the seeds. In the ancient book of the traditional Indian medical system Ayurveda. It used to treat several brain-related diseases, most commonly Parkinsons disease.

    Do you know the benefits of mucuna pruriens? Are there any side effects?

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    Frontiers In Aging Neuroscience

    University of Florida, United States

    Reviewed by

    University of Missouri, United States

    The editor and reviewers’ affiliations are the latest provided on their Loop research profiles and may not reflect their situation at the time of review.

    Named Pruriens Because Of The Itch

    It is called pruriens because of the intense itching produced by their contact.

    The orange hairs of flowers and pods of Mucuna pruriens contain chemicals that, when they come in contact with the skin, cause intense irritation and itching, and sometimes very troublesome injury including allergies and severe swelling.

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    Medications For Diabetes Interacts With Cowhage

    Cowhage might decrease blood sugar. Diabetes medications are also used to lower blood sugar. Taking cowhage along with diabetes medications might cause your blood sugar to go too low. Monitor your blood sugar closely. The dose of your diabetes medication might need to be changed.Some medications used for diabetes include glimepiride , glyburide , insulin, pioglitazone , rosiglitazone , chlorpropamide , glipizide , tolbutamide , and others.

    Beneficial Effects Of Mucuna

    The pros and cons of Mucuna Pruriens used for Early/Young onset Parkinson’s

    Mucuna is recommended in Ayurveda to treat more than 200 diseasesas a vital tonic, an aphrodisiac, a remedy to reduce stress, a good diuretic, etc.and is also used against parasites, to control diabetes and lower cholesterol. And, of course, it is a treatment for kampavata . Western science seems to confirm many of these effects. Mucuna improves libido, semen quality, etc., and even works against snake bites.

    Mucuna increases the adaptation and regeneration of tissues in general and has been shown to increase growth hormone . It has an anabolic effect and increases muscle mass it also has antioxidant properties and favors the protective functions of the liver .

    Diabetics and people with high cholesterol may benefit from Mucuna . In rats it has been shown to lower cholesterol by 61%, and glucose was reduced by 39% . Mucuna enhances the recovery of diabetic neuropathy induced in animals . In humans it delays the onset of diabetic nephropathy.

    Mucuna also protects the stomach to relieve gastric mucosal lesions induced experimentally in rats . Mucuna contains prurienine which increases intestinal peristalsis and is a good remedy for constipation, so prevalent in Parkinsons disease patients. It usually enhances motility and gastric emptying, although some patients assert otherwise.

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    The Problem Of Volume

    Mucuna is more effective, more rapid, and durable however, to achieve a dose that will offer the same relief as Sinemet or Madopar, it would be necessary to prescribe large amounts of seed powder dissolved in liquid . The need to consume seed powder several times a day would soon overwhelm the patient, and the treatment would be abandoned as too cumbersome.

    The solution to the problem can be found in concentrated extracts. This allows for the presentation of Mucuna in tablets or capsules, facilitating the application of different doses of the product and making it easy to manage daily consumption of Mucuna in the amounts deemed necessary. There is another choice that requires the cooperation of the neurologist: Mucuna could be used in association with carbidopa to achieve greater efficiency with less seed powder.

    Mucuna Pruriens: 5 Velvet Bean Benefits For Disease & Mood

    By Annie Price, CHHC

    Can a plant that has been used to make a actually do wonders for serious health problems such as Parkinsons disease? It actually appears the answer may be yes!

    Im talking about the plant known as Mucuna pruriens or velvet bean, which has been shown to counterParkinson symptomsand offer help for male infertility, nervous system disorders and more. Lets take a look at this intriguing plant, which naturally has some very powerful and therapeutic ingredients.

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    Mucuna A Bean That Grows In The Tropics

    Levodopa, a direct precursor of dopamine, is the main medication for Parkinsons disease. Patients are treated with synthetic levodopa in different doses or combinations in tablets of Sinemet, Madopar and Stalevo.

    The largest natural source of levodopa is Mucuna, a legume . Extracts from the variety of Mucuna pruriens, especially the seeds, display a very interesting biochemical profile. These have been used for three thousand years in more than 200 recipes from India medicine.

    Extract of mucuna seed powder contains large amounts of levodopa and a little serotonin and nicotine along with other ingredients that are only partially known. In the treatment of Parkinsons disease such extracts seem to be more effective and less toxic than the synthetic preparations1.

    Side Effects With Levodopa

    Mucuna Pruriens &  Testosterone

    Mucuna should not be used in individuals with known allergy or hypersensitivity to Mucuna pruriens or components. There have been some side effects of Mucuna . In a study of patients with Parkinsons disease, a derivative of Mucuna pruriens caused minor adverse effects, which were mainly gastrointestinal in nature. Isolated cases of acute toxic psychosis have been reported probably due to levodopa content. Therefore, as with Sinemet and Madopar, its use should be avoided in patients with psychosis or schizophrenia.

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    Its Flowers Are Pollinated By Bats

    The velvet bean leaves are of the trifoliate type, with leaflets of 5 to 12 cm in width and 7-15 cm long.

    The white or purple flowers are in axillary racemes up to 32 cm long. They are self-fertile, though in some places they are pollinated by bats which, while trying to eat nectar of the plant, carry pollen from flower to flower in their ears3.

    Icipants And Eligibility Criteria

    Patients with idiopathic PD according to UK Brain Bank criteria were recruited in Santa Cruz by a local neurologist trained in the administration of the instruments used. Eligibility included sustained response to levodopa and presence of motor fluctuations for at least 1 h/d during waking hours associated with dyskinesias . Patients were on stable antiparkinsonian therapy for at least 30 days before recruitment. Exclusion criteria were signs of cognitive impairment limiting the ability to provide written informed consent clinically significant psychiatric illness Hoehn & Yahr stage 5/5 severe unstable medical conditions and pregnancy.

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    More Benefits Than Conventional Levodopa

    The foundations of the patent, based on the references provided, reveal that, in relation to standard levodopa-carbidopa medications or levodopa-benserazide , the extracts of Mucuna have important advantages that confirm those listed in the previous chapter.

    Mucuna has a wider therapeutic window: the range of dosage in which a drug can be used without causing toxic effects. That means that there is a large margin between the minimally effective dose of Mucuna and one that could cause damage in the body.

    Patients get better sooner with it. Researchers gave patients a tablet of Sinemet, and they noticed the on effect after 54 minutes. But when they took Mucuna , they were already active after only 2327 minutes . In addition to being quick-acting, Mucuna has been found to be effective for longer durations: patients were still on for 204 minutes after taking the seed extract, beating Sinemet tablet by half an hour .

    Neither acute nor chronic toxic effects have been described. Even with high doses of Mucuna , there were less adverse effects than in patients who received the equivalent of the conventional drugs . Other long-term studies of Mucuna have shown that the dreaded dyskinesia and other symptoms associated with continuous treatment with levodopa are lower and in some cases even tend to improve .

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