Thursday, September 5, 2024

How Close Are We To Curing Parkinson’s

Parkinsons Disease: How Close Are We To A Cure

When will there be a cure for Parkinson’s?

Neurological disorders are the leading source of disability globally, and Parkinsons is the fastest-growing neurological condition. It could be due to several factors ranging from an increase in geriatric population, longevity, improved diagnostics methodologies, a better understanding of the disease to the specific use of some pesticides, and industrialization. The number of individuals with Parkinsons disease increased by 118% to 6.2 million globally from 1990 to 2015. The total diagnosed prevalence is exponentially rising and as per DelveInsights epidemiological estimates, the total diagnosed prevalent population of Parkinsons disease in the 7MM and Japan) expected to reach 3,284,084 in 2030.

However, there is still no cure for Parkinsons. However, medications are at the place to improve the main symptoms of Parkinsons disease, such as shaking and movement problems. The present treatment options for Parkinsons disease consists of medication, surgery, complementary therapies, and supportive therapies . The approved Parkinsons disease therapies are categorized into seven groups that include Levodopa, Carbidopa-levodopa infusion , Dopamine agonists , MAO B inhibitors , Catechol O-methyltransferase inhibitors , Anticholinergics , and Amantadine.


What Are The Treatments Available

Bloodletting from the neck, followed by vesicatories to induce blistering of the skin, was Parkinsons recommendation in his initial essay. Jean-Martin Charcot and William Gowers were responsible for much of the advancement in understanding the disease, which led to subsequent therapeutic advances.

Currently, the pharmacological treatment aims to increase the usable dopamine in the brain by giving exogenous dopamine or reducing dopamine breakdown. The major therapeutic goal is to improve the patients quality of life by controlling symptoms for as long as possible while minimizing potential side effects. Treatments should be started as early as possible after the diagnosis.

Giving dopamine in its original form is dangerous as it can have toxic effects when present in blood in excess amounts. Therefore, Levodopa, a precursor of dopamine that can cross the blood-brain barrier, is administered. To reduce the conversion of Levodopa to dopamine before it gets into the brain, a peripheral dopa-decarboxylase inhibitor like carbidopa or benserazide is added. This combination is currently considered the most effective form of therapy.

Dopamine agonists, which act directly on the dopamine receptors, may be useful in the early phases of the disease but may not be sufficient to treat more advanced disease stages. Examples for this category include bromocriptine and ropinirole.

Major Study Expands In Hopes To Cure Parkinson Disease

The study is investigating biomarkers and other data collected from a wide range of individualsthose without the disease, those with very early disease, and those with more advanced disease.

Originally launched in 2010, the study is expanding online where it aims to collect information from more than 100,000 people, particularly those with a first-degree relative with Parkinson, those with a genetic mutation for the disease, or those who act out their dreams in their sleep.

Our guest on this episode is Roseanne D. Dobkin, PhD, a clinical psychologist and associate professor of psychiatry at the Robert Wood Johnson Medical School at Rutgers University, and one of the investigators of the study.

To find out more about the study, visit PPMI here.

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What Are Your Hopes For The Future Of Parkinsons Research

At the Foundation, we really are incredibly hopeful that a lot of the research that were supporting is going to yield a tangible benefit for patients.

The fact that theres so much in the pipeline, from preclinical all the way to clinical testing, means theres more thats going to come out. Its so important to have a lot of different things out there, so that patients with their care team can figure out how to get the most out of what is available.

Theres such an important role for the patient community to play in getting engaged with the search. If you have, please continue to do so. And if you havent, consider it and learn about it. There are a lot of ways to get engaged and Im pretty sure that youll find one that is comfortable for you. Were there to help and be your partner in this, because we cant do it alone.

A cure may still be a few years out, or several years out or a decade. But theres so much we can do between then that will impact a person whos living with Parkinsons in a very positive way.

Need to know

Sohini Chowdhury is deputy CEO of the Michael J Fox Foundation, US, overseeing the Research Partnerships team. She also works with the board of directors and executive leadership to advance the organisations work as a stakeholder in drug development. Find out more about the Michael J Fox Foundation.

To find out more about the latest Parkinsons disease research, please visit the EPDA website.

Read more:

Scientists Homing In On A Cure For Parkinsons Disease

How Close Are We To A Cure For Parkinson

The new peptide shows promise as a drug precursor to treat Parkinsons disease, often known for its distinctive hand tremors.

A peptide known to prevent the protein error that gives rise to Parkinsons disease has been optimized by scientists, making it a strong candidate for future development into a cure.

A molecule that shows promise in preventing Parkinsons disease has been refined by scientists at the University of Bath. It has the potential to be developed into a drug to treat the incurable neurodegenerative disease.

Professor Jody Mason, who led the research from the Department of Biology and Biochemistry, said: A lot of work still needs to happen, but this molecule has the potential to be a precursor to a drug. Today there are only medicines to treat the symptoms of Parkinsons we hope to develop a drug that can return people to good health even before symptoms develop.

Dr. Richard Meade. Credit: University of Bath

Previous efforts to target and detoxify S-induced neurodegeneration have seen scientists analyze a vast library of peptides to find the best candidate for preventing S misfolding. Of the 209,952 peptides screened in earlier work by scientists at Bath, peptide 4554W showed the most promise, inhibiting S from aggregating into toxic disease forms in lab experiments, both in solutions and on live cells.

Professor Jody Mason. Credit: University of Bath

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What Can I Expect If I Have This Condition

Parkinsons disease is a degenerative condition, meaning the effects on your brain get worse over time. However, this condition usually takes time to get worse. Most people have a normal life span with this condition.

You’ll need little to no help in the earlier stages and can keep living independently. As the effects worsen, youll need medication to limit how the symptoms affect you. Most medications, especially levodopa, are moderately or even very effective once your provider finds the minimum dose you need to treat your symptoms.

Most of the effects and symptoms are manageable with treatment, but the treatments become less effective and more complicated over time. Living independently will also become more and more difficult as the disease worsens.

How long does Parkinsons disease last?

Parkinsons disease isnt curable, which means its a permanent, life-long condition.

Whats the outlook for Parkinsons disease?

Parkinson’s disease isn’t fatal, but the symptoms and effects are often contributing factors to death. The average life expectancy for Parkinson’s disease in 1967 was a little under 10 years. Since then, the average life expectancy has increased by about 55%, rising to more than 14.5 years. That, combined with the fact that Parkinson’s diagnosis is much more likely after age 60, means this condition doesn’t often affect your life expectancy by more than a few years .

What Genes Are Linked To Parkinsons Disease

Several genes have been definitively linked to PD:

  • SNCA. This gene, which makes the protein alpha-synuclein, was the first gene identified to be associated with Parkinsons. Research findings by the National Institutes of Health and other institutions prompted studies of the role of alpha-synuclein in PD, which led to the discovery that Lewy bodies seen in all cases of PD contain clumps of alpha-synuclein. This discovery revealed the link between hereditary and sporadic forms of the disease.
  • LRRK2. Mutations in LRRK2 were originally identified in several English and Basque families as a cause of a late-onset PD. Subsequent studies have identified mutations of this gene in other families with PD as well as in a small percentage of people with apparently sporadic PD. LRRK2 mutations are a major cause of PD in North Africa and the Middle East.
  • DJ-1. This gene normally helps regulate gene activity and protect cells from oxidative stress and can cause rare, early forms of PD.
  • PRKN . The parkin gene is translated into a protein that normally helps cells break down and recycle proteins.
  • PINK1. PINK1 codes for a protein active in mitochondria. Mutations in this gene appear to increase susceptibility to cellular stress. PINK1 has been linked to early forms of PD.
  • GBA . Mutations in GBA cause Gaucher disease , but different changes in this gene are associated with an increased risk for Parkinsons disease as well.

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What Will A Cure For Parkinson’s Look Like

Parkinson’s varies so much from person to person. There are over 40 symptoms of Parkinsons. Tremor. Pain. Hallucinations. Everyones experience is different.

Because of this, there may not be a single ‘cure’.

Instead, we may need a range of different therapies to meet the needs of the individual and their specific form of the condition.

This mix may include treatments, therapies and strategies that can:

  • slow or stop the progression of the condition
  • replace or repair lost or damaged brain cells
  • control and manage particular symptoms
  • diagnose Parkinson’s at the earliest possible stage.

And this could involve medical treatments, such as drugs and surgical approaches, as well as lifestyle changes, for example to diet and exercise.

What Diseases And Conditions Resemble Parkinsons Disease

How do we treat Parkinson’s disease?

PD is the most common form of parkinsonism, in which disorders of other causes produce features and symptoms that closely resemble Parkinsons disease. Many disorders can cause symptoms similar to those of PD, including:

Several diseases, including MSA, CBD, and PSP, are sometimes referred to as Parkinsons-plus diseases because they have the symptoms of PD plus additional features.

In very rare cases, parkinsonian symptoms may appear in people before the age of 20. This condition is called juvenile parkinsonism. It often begins with dystonia and bradykinesia, and the symptoms often improve with levodopa medication.

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What Causes The Condition

Although there are several recognized risk factors for Parkinsons disease, such as exposure to pesticides, for now, the only confirmed causes of Parkinsons disease are genetic. When Parkinsons disease isnt genetic, experts classify it as idiopathic . That means they dont know exactly why it happens.

Many conditions look like Parkinson’s disease but are instead parkinsonism from a specific cause like some psychiatric medications.

Familial Parkinsons disease

Parkinsons disease can have a familial cause, which means you can inherit it from one or both of your parents. However, this only makes up about 10% of all cases.

Experts have linked at least seven different genes to Parkinson’s disease. They’ve linked three of those to early-onset of the condition . Some genetic mutations also cause unique, distinguishing features.

Idiopathic Parkinsons disease

Experts believe idiopathic Parkinsons disease happens because of problems with how your body uses a protein called -synuclein . Proteins are chemical molecules that have a very specific shape. When some proteins dont have the correct shape a problem known as protein misfolding your body cant use them and can’t break them down.

With nowhere to go, the proteins build up in various places or in certain cells . The buildup of these Lewy bodies causes toxic effects and cell damage.

Induced Parkinsonism

The possible causes are:

When Will There Be A Cure For Parkinsons Disease

You can tell a lot about a culture from its Armageddon myths, as propagated through pop culture. We have created quite a few across the last few decades, from the dystopian futures of Mad Max and the Terminator to the zombie apocalypses that have come to populate many an end-of-the-world tale. The latter often entail some experiment gone horribly awry, leading to a pandemic far more lethal and gruesome than any ever caused, for example, by influenza. Earlier this year, scientists warned of a possible new pandemic that has nothing to do with diseased bat guano, genetically modified whatever, or ancient Egyptian curses. Parkinsons Disease is on the rise, and so far theres no cure for this rare neurodegenerative disease.

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What Research Is Being Done

The mission of the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke is to seek fundamental knowledge about the brain and nervous system and to use the knowledge to reduce the burden of neurological disease. NINDS is a component of the National Institutes of Health , the leading supporter of biomedical research in the world. NINDS conducts and supports three types of research: basicscientific discoveries in the lab, clinicaldeveloping and studying therapeutic approaches to Parkinsons disease, and translationalfocused on tools and resources that speed the development of therapeutics into practice. The goals of NINDS-supported research on Parkinsons disease are to better understand and diagnose PD, develop new treatments, and ultimately, prevent PD. NINDS also supports training for the next generation of PD researchers and clinicians and serves as an important source of information for people with PD and their families.

Uniting Research And The Pd Community

REVEALED: Scientists are close to finding a cure for Parkinsons disease

We are committed to understanding Parkinsons from the perspective of the PD community, including people living with PD, those who care for them, researchers, healthcare professionals and research advocates.

With more than two decades of work in patient engagement that has impacted the lives of people affected by Parkinsons through prioritizing research, we match researchers with people in the PD community to help improve studies. Learn more about engaging in Parkinsons research.

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If Replacing Dopamine In The Brain Via Carbidopa/levodopa Helps Reduce And Sometimes Completely Eliminate Parkinsons Symptoms Why Arent We Closer To Finding A Cure Is Parkinsons Truly Caused By A Lack Of Dopamine

Heres what he said:

In 1817, James Parkinson wrote the article that first described the disease, called An Essay on the Shaking Palsy. This essay, and our understanding of the disease from the earliest days until the 1970s, focused on the major clinical symptoms of Parkinsons that emerge from how the disease impacts the dopamine system, notably the dopamine-producing neurons of the part of the brain called the substantia nigra, which basically means, black stuff, named in the days when anatomists just cut up corpses and named what they saw with little insight.

In the late 1960s and 1970s, clinical researchers figured out that they could treat Parkinsons with dopamine replacement therapy. Parkinsons was thus a disease of dopamine and therefore, we could focus on the dopamine system in treatments of Parkinsons. End of story, right?


Focusing on dopamine for Parkinsons is like saying that global warming is a problem of temperature. Cooling the air wouldnt solve the problem of climate change and replacing dopamine doesnt cure Parkinsons. Parkinsons is largely a disease of neurons, and to stop/fix/cure Parkinsons, we need to stop that disease from making neurons sick.

The neurons are being made sick by being polluted with too much of a protein called alpha-synuclein. This protein seems to principally affect dopamine neurons in Parkinsons, but as the disease advances, it can harm other neurons, too.


Diet And Lifestyle Changes

Additional therapies for Parkinsons disease treatment include eating a healthy diet and engaging in regular exercise.

Some individuals may benefit from participating in physical and occupational therapy. These therapies often focus on balance, improving your gait, or tactics to allow you to complete your work.

Other alternative options center on promoting holistic well-being while living with Parkinsons disease. These are not shown to stop the diseases progression but can help you manage symptoms and stay hopeful:

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Parkinsons How Many Subtypes Are There

We already know that there are different forms Parkinsonism – a term that covers a range of conditions that have similar movement symptoms including slowness, stiffness and tremor.

Most people with a form of parkinsonism have idiopathic Parkinsons disease, also known as Parkinsons. But other forms include vascular Parkinsonism, Multiple System Atrophy and Progressive Supranuclear Palsy.

All these conditions share similar symptoms but have quite different underlying biology. This means they usually dont respond as well to the main treatment used for Parkinsons: levodopa. Is levodopa then, the Parkinsons equivalent of chemotherapy?

Now scientists are trying to work out whether its possible to break Parkinsons itself down into smaller categories or subtypes that can help us treat the condition in a more targeted and personalised way.

Embarking On An Urgent Mission

Parkinson’s Disease & Medication – What’s New

During this time, Facheris was busy with medical research and treating patients as a research fellow at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, and then back home in Italy at a local hospital, where he joined a consortium supported by a Michael J. Fox Foundation grant. This involvement led to a job opportunity with the Foundation itself, where Facheris leveraged his experience as a physician and researcher.

Through the Foundation, I met many patients and heard how the disease was impacting their daily life, he says. People with Parkinsons wanted to sleep better, move better. Their hopes were for a cure so they could have their lives back.

One such patient is Barry, who lives in Nebraska in the United States and was diagnosed with Parkinsons in 2012. Although his disease is well-managed through medication, he says that no one understands better the urgency associated with advancing research and treatment than patients. We all want the solution now.

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