Sunday, September 8, 2024

Jimmy Choi Parkinson’s Treatment

American Ninja Warrior 13

The Impact of Parkinson’s and the Unknown | Jimmy Choi | TEDxRushU

It was announced that American Ninja Warrior 13 will be his final appearance on the show. He participated in the final qualifying round. His run in qualifying was not shown, but it was revealed on the Family Championship that he did get revenge on the Shrinking Steps. However, his run ended one obstacle later at Double Down.

He later revealed in the Family Championship that this was his last season competing, as his Parkinson’s has started to get more severe. He overall announced retirement from ANW after 2021.

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American Ninja Warrior 10

He returned in Indianapolis for American Ninja Warrior 10 in Indianapolis. This time, he also made it to the third obstacle, the Wheel Flip. Unfortunately, he lost his grip on the dismount, not advancing to the city finals again.

After American Ninja Warrior 10, Jimmy’s daughter, Karina, later competed on American Ninja Warrior Junior. It was revealed there that Karina was in fact, the source of motivation for him to compete on American Ninja Warrior.

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Giving And Getting Inspiration

When searching for care, Jimmy sought a team that understood not just his disease, but also his ambitious plans. He came to the Northwestern Medicine Parkinsons Disease and Movement Disorders Center and found his fit.

Ive been to many movement disorder specialists over the years, but my care team at Northwestern Medicine goes above and beyond to understand my fitness goals and help me achieve them, he says. Ive built a relationship with my care team that extends beyond the clinic. They embrace my craziness and even cheer me on.

When Jimmys not planning his next fitness endeavor, hes trying to keep up with his 11-year-old daughter. Shes currently ranked second in her age group in the National Ninja League.

Im extremely proud of her, and shes helping me be stronger, Jimmy says. She will never know how much she inspires me, her old man, to be better.

Jimmy used to walk with a cane. Now hes making quick work of the warped wall on American Ninja Warrior.

Pushing Himself To Be Stronger

Jimmy Choi â âFind Something That Moves You, and Move!â? â Parkinson FIT

One of the trials involved forced exercise, which meant Jimmy had to use indoor cycling machines. Jimmy noticed that he often felt better after these sessions. Thats when he started incorporating exercise more into his daily life.

At first, he started walking to his mailbox and back without his cane, going a little farther each day. As he gained confidence, he began eating healthier. He lost weight and was able to walk around the block, and then two or three blocks. Eventually, he began jogging and noticed that not only were his Parkinsons symptoms improving, but also his overall health.

In 2012, he ran his first mile. Later that same year, he ran his first 5K fundraiser, in honor of Parkinsons Awareness Month. That September, Jimmy decided he was going to run the Chicago half-marathon. But because the race was a month away, there wasnt any space. Someone told him to check if there were any charity bibs left, which was when Jimmy discovered The Michael J. Fox Foundation. When he asked about a charity bib, they had one left. Jimmy took it and promised to raise $2,000.

Looking back, I always say that I felt that that bib was always there, he says. It was meant for me. It kick-started something that has brought me to where I am now.

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Finding A Treatment To Parkinsons

Just 10 years ago, Jimmy found a holistic treatment for Parkinsons: fitness.

It wasnt until this marathon runner started losing his balance and found himself falling many times as an adult that he asked himself this serious question, What can I do to protect myself if I do take a fall?

Jimmys answer was relatively logical and played much into his burpee record attempt.

Eventually, Jimmy became so good at doing burpees that he thought he might have a shot at breaking a record.

He first started with doing 5 burpees a day, and as days progressed, he added more and more reps to his daily routine.

Two years of sticking to this daily regimen, Jimmy attempted the official title and succeeded the record title for the most chest to ground burpees in one minute with 30 burpees on 08 August 2020.

Jimmy shares that conquering this record was a joyous achievement for his younger and present self who struggled immensely with his ailment. He hopes that this achievement can demonstrate to others who are struggling with a brain disorder, or a similar illness, can still thrive and accomplish things that most people thought only 100% healthy people can do.

Once others saw that Jimmy achieved this record, it inspired them to do more during the pandemic as well. He shares that his triumph has helped me teach others how they can gain so much from life despite what our current situations take away from us.

A Fall Becomes A Wake

His symptoms slowly progressed over the next 8 years. Because his wife saw him every day, she didnt notice the gradual decline. But other family members would point out things to Jimmy about the way he moved, which he always brushed off.

His family life got harder as he became less mobile. He says he had to confront the fact that his disease was progressing, which led to depression. He gained weight and had to use a cane because he kept falling over.

His rock-bottom moment came as he was carrying his 10-month-old son down the stairs and fell down the entire flight. His son wasnt hurt. But seeing his wifes and daughters shocked faces was a wake-up call.

The first thing Jimmy did was educate himself. Up until then, he thought about his disease as just a part of life and never learned more about it. The hardest part for Jimmy to accept was that there was no cure.

But he was stubborn. He signed up for different types of trials and thought if they did find a cure, he could be the first person to get it. On the other hand, because he was depressed, he also thought, If something bad happened and I were to leave this planet, that wouldnt be such a bad thing.

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Fitness In The Face Of Parkinsons Disease

Jimmy Choi noticed something was wrong when he couldnt throw a baseball. I couldnt get it to go far. It kept landing only a few feet ahead of me, he says.

He was diagnosed with Parkinsons disease, a progressive degenerative neurological disorder, at 27. He became depressed. He gained weight. He needed a cane to walk. Then, he fell down the stairs with his three-year-old son in his arms.

At the bottom of the stairs, Jimmy had a wakeup call.

My family is my biggest inspiration the kick in my pants, he says. Because of that moment, I realized I needed to be better for my family. I want to see my kids grow up and be successful. I want to show them that daddy never gives up Daddy is going to keep pushing.

Heres What Youll Learn:

Jimmy Choi: Parkinson’s patient, advocate and endurance athlete
  • Processing a Parkinsons diagnosis
  • Misconceptions about Parkinsons disease
  • Learning that everything you do should have a purpose
  • The moment when Jimmy learned that he needed to take control of his life
  • Setting goals that are not overwhelming but still inspiring
  • Taking pride in even the smallest progress
  • Re-evaluating our excuses for the things we cant do
  • Find a way to tell your story

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Jimmy Choi: Jc Fox Ninja And Advocate

Parkinsons disease is typically recognized as a movement disorder. However, PD is actually a neurodegenerative disease, made up of a constellation of movement and non-movement symptoms, including sleep disorder, gut dysfunction, depression, and difficulties with executive function and memory1. In many cases, Parkinsons disease also involves Lewy Body dementia , which results in hallucinations and delirium. It is estimated there are over 1 million people in the United States with Parkinsons, making it the second most common neurodegenerative disease behind Alzheimers. And, much like Alzheimers, despite the tremendous challenges faced by patients and their families, there are very special individuals in the Parkinsons community making extraordinary contributions to awareness, advocacy, and brain-healthy living in general.

From Denial to Taking Control

Jimmy started physical therapy, which led him to running, and after some extensive research he learned that exercise was one of the best ways to slow progression of Parkinson’s. By starting small with walks around the block with his cane, he was soon walking without his cane – and then jogging. Then, he joined Team Fox in 2012 and ran his first marathon that year, raising money for the organization. One marathon turned into a few, and he even competed in an ultra-marathon .

American Ninja Warrior and Beyond

Making a Difference in the Fight for Parkinson’s


Man With Parkinson’s Takes On ‘american Ninja Warrior’ Course Inspires Us All

Jimmy Choi proved himself to be a true gladiator out on the American Ninja Warrior course.

The 41-year-old tech consultant from Bolingbrook, Illinois, defied his Parkinsons disease to take on the notoriously tough run at the Kansas City qualifiers in footage that aired Monday.

He made quick work of both the floating steps and the tricky hang glider, before ultimately coming unstuck on the broken pipes obstacle.

That right there ought to inspire everyone, said the shows host, Akbar Gbajabiamila, who later tweeted this message of support:

Jimmy. You are a TRUE champion and inspiration. Fight on my brotha, it was my honor to call your run. #AmericanNinjaWarrior#TeamFox

Akbar Gbajabiamila

In an emotional preview video that was broadcast before his run, Choi revealed how he was diagnosed with young-onset Parkinsons when he was 27.

After several years of struggling to cope with his condition, he discovered that exercise helped him to manage it and hes since run 13 marathons, cycled several 100-mile rides and competed in multiple triathlons.

In the process, hes raised more than $100,000 for actor Michael J. Foxs foundation, which funds research into the disease. He represented the organization on the show.

My goal is to go out there and show everybody out there, no matter what theyre faced with, the hardest step is that first step, said Choi, whose daughter inspired him to apply for the program. Once you take that first step, the rest of it comes easy.

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Finding A Community That Could Relate

Jimmy realized that he needed a community for support. Through fundraising, he was able to connect with a running community and find people he could relate to. He also started to tell his friends and family about his disease, after years of avoiding the topic.

He wound up raising more than $5,000. The night before the marathon, while sitting at dinner with his team, he realized that he had done more in 1 month than in the last 8 years. It became his mission.

He started cycling and became the first person with Parkinson’s to complete a 100-mile bike ride in under 5 hours. Hes ran 16 marathons, more than 100 half-marathons, and an ultramarathon. He and his wife now host their own Parkinsons 5K, and have raised almost $700,000 for Parkinsons research. Jimmys next challenge came when his 9-year-old daughter started watching American Ninja Warrior, a reality show featuring competitors who challenge themselves with agility-based obstacle courses. Jimmys daughter kept telling him to try out. Jimmy gave her excuses, saying his Parkinsons wouldnt let him, and that he had no upper body strength.

One night, she turned to Jimmy and said, Dad, I don’t see what your excuse is. Jimmy agreed to audition, if only to get her to stop asking. As a long-time fan, she was able to show him the ropes and helped him make an audition tape.

In 2017, American Ninja Warrior decided to give him a chance.

American Ninja Warrior 12

Ep67: How to Be

Choi had originally considered retiring from American Ninja Warrior for good last season, but he was recruited by Michael Torres to compete again for another season, along with Kyle Schulze. It was revealed he was using a stimulation device in order to ease his Parkinsons symptoms, which changed his ways and ultimately allowed him to compete for another season. Right before his run, he did some burpees. But in a huge shock, he failed the first obstacle, the Shrinking Steps, missing the rope with his left hand, not advancing to the city finals for the fourth consecutive time.

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Trying To Hide His Early Onset Parkinsons

Jimmy was shocked. Not only because it was so unexpected, but also like many he thought Parkinsons was a disease that only affected older people. Many people dont realize that Parkinsons disease affects about 10% to 20% of people before age 50.

His first reaction was to swear at the specialist and not believe the diagnosis, he says. She was understanding and gave him a medication called Mirapex. Then, she told Jimmy that if it made him feel better, it meant they were headed in the right direction.

Jimmy did feel immediate relief from the medication, but he says he was still in denial. So, he stopped taking the medication and hid his diagnosis from everyone even his wife. But when his symptoms returned, he decided to continue taking it and open up to his wife. He says he was convinced as long as he took the medication for the rest of his life, it would be fine.

A Simple Yet Effective Solution

Jimmys TikTok caught the attention of US videographer Brian Alldridge, who created a design that would allow users to swallow a single pill, isolated by the rotation of a knob, straight from the bottle.

Without a 3D printer to test his design, Brian himself reached out to TikTok users for help and within days, a 3D-printed prototype of the pill bottle was on its way to Jimmy, thanks to US engineer David Exler.

Jimmy said he found great value in the simple yet effective design. The bottle easy to grab even for hands that have dexterity issues, he told Parkinsons Life. It isolates a single pill at a time, making delivery to mouth as simple as taking a shot. No more handling and dropping of pills.

Jimmy added: It not only saves time but especially anxiety about people staring in public as we try to isolate a single pill. Stress is an agitator for Parkinsons, and this removes stress from taking pills in a crunch in public.

Incorporating Jimmys feedback on each prototype, David continued to streamline the pill bottle design Brian, meanwhile, has kept his design open source to allow anyone to improve upon it. Now on version eight of the design, the pill bottle has been downloaded and 3D-printed by people all over the world.

A version of this article was first published in January 2021.

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Stitching Together A Pill Bottle Prototype

Jimmy Chois TikTok page is filled with the typical videos of a high-level athlete: clips of himself doing one-armed pushups, climbing ropes, holding planks with weights on his back. If you look closely, though, youll notice that even before he begins his feats of strength and endurance, his hands are shaking. Choi has Parkinsons disease, a central nervous system disorder that causes tremors, and he often posts about what its like to live with the disease.

People see the stuff that I post and theyre things that most average people cant do, Choi says. I often show the other side of things, things that I struggle with on a daily basis. He makes air quotes as he talks about the things normal people do easily tying shoes, buttoning shirts, picking up pills that he has trouble with.

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One of his daily struggles comes in the shape of the pills he takes to manage his tremors. Theyre very tiny, making them difficult to grasp with trembling hands. In late December, he posted a video showing his struggle to grab a pill from a container. That video set off a domino effect, inspiring designers, engineers, and hobbyists across TikTok to craft a better pill bottle for people with tremors or other motor disorders.

One of Alldridges initial sketches for the bottle design.

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Printed bottle parts ready to be assembled.

We can be our own advocates

Jimmys Advice To Other Record

American Ninja Warrior Jimmy Choi deals with Parkinson’s through strength

My advice is when you are looking to break a record, it helps if you can get the community behind you no matter what that may be. For me, it was not just the Parkinsons community but the fitness community as well. Reach out, let others know why the title is important to you and what it can mean for the community.

Today, Jimmy has raised more than $500,000 to fund for research and awareness for Parkinsons disease. He is also an active motivational speaker, an advocate who promotes Parkinsons research and a patient council board member of the Michael J. Fox Foundation.

Aside from Jimmys community efforts, he is a retired technology executive who resides in Texas, and a loving husband and caring father to two talented kids.

With his record, Jimmys wishes to show individuals who are struggling with obstacles that you can live a healthy and fulfilled life, even if that means adapting it in your own way.

He aspires to keep everyones motivation alive by reinforcing the idea that pre-existing conditions should never deter someone from accomplishing life ambitions. With his story as an example, no matter what the case, there is always a way to make it happen.

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