Friday, September 6, 2024

Vitamin B1 And Parkinson’s Disease

Results Of A Fully Functional Methylation Cycle

Video-3 High Dose Thiamine HCL Vitamin B1 in treatment of Parkinsons Disease

To summarize: The methylation cycle affects:

  • Neurotransmitter levels. This is why so many individuals diagnosed with Parkinsonâs have persistent anxiety and a deep depression that never seems to lift.
  • The immune function. This is why so many persons with Parkinsonâs symptoms get some relief from taking Low Dose Naltrexone which tricks the immune system into becoming stronger.
  • This is why so many individuals have pursued one detox regime after another with limited success. The problem does not reside with the detox protocols per se, but a breakdown in the methylation cycle.
  • Production of glutathione . This is why so many persons diagnosed with Parkinsonâs are known to have dangerously low levels of glutathione.

Which Foods Are Rich In Vitamin E

Given the powerful effects Vit E has on brain and nerve health, one should include it in their regular diet.

Some common sources of vitamin E include almonds, spinach and sweet potato. The compound is also present in avocado and sunflower seeds.

Cooking using olive oil is another way of including Vit E in ones diet. Eating trout can provide the body with both proteins and Vit E.

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What You Need To Know

Active Forms of Vitamin B12 Protect the Brain

  • Vitamin B12 is critical for nerve function, cell metabolism, the formation of red blood cells, DNA production, and more.
  • Aging, and vegan or vegetarian people often suffer from vitamin B12 deficiency. Oral supplementation can correct this.
  • There are two active forms of vitamin B12adenosylcobalamin and methylcobalamin. The body needs both forms.
  • The better-known form of the two, methylcobalamin, is used to reduce stress, lower dangerously elevated levels of homocysteine, and treat conditions including nerve damage.
  • Animal data now show that adenosylcobalamin uniquely protects brain neurons, prevents a decline in dopamine levels, and may block neurodegeneration.
  • Initial findings suggest that adenosylcobalamin inhibits overactivity of an enzyme linked with Parkinsons disease.
  • Daily oral intake of 500 mcg of adenosylcobalamin and 500 mcg of methylcobalamin is a great choice for whole-body health and potential defense against neurodegeneration.

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How Much Will I Take

The dose will vary depending on why you need thiamine and whether it has been prescribed by a doctor.

Mild thiamine deficiency the usual dose for adults is between 25mg and 100mg, taken once a day.

Severe thiamine deficiency the usual dose for adults is 100mg, taken 2 or 3 times a day.

If your child is prescribed thiamine, the doctor will use your childs weight to work out the right dose.

Looking To The Future

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So many people could benefit from this therapy today. But for every patient in the world to receive High-Dose Thiamine therapy through trusted medical channels, it must be approved by various international Drug Administrations such as the US Food and Drug Administration and the European Medicines Agency .

Only successful results from a well-designed clinical trial will satisfy the approval process. Specifically, we must conduct a multi-location randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial covering a representative number of patients and spanning the relevant time frame. Such research requires adequate funding, sustained for the trial duration.

Discovering suitable sources of possible funding and submitting applications to them demand constant focus and effort. But we must take up the challenge, because successful results from a robust clinical trial would confirm the effectiveness of the therapy scientifically and with statistical significance, allow us to understand and describe its mechanisms, and potentially show us how to further improve its efficacy.

To this end, we launched a GoFundMe campaign with the ultimate goal of raising funds to move HDT therapy forward into the approval process, and to make information about our experiences so far directly available to patients, practitioners, and other health professionals through efforts like this site.

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Who Can And Can’t Take Thiamine

Most adults and children aged 12 years or older can take thiamine.

Only give thiamine to a child under the age of 12 years if a specialist recommends it.

Thiamine may not be suitable for some people. To make sure it’s safe for you, tell your doctor before starting thiamine if you:

  • have had an allergic reaction to thiamine or any other medicine in the past
  • are due to have any blood tests or scans thiamine can affect the results of certain tests

Low Levels Of Vitamin B12 May Worsen Walking Cognition In Parkinsons Patients

Supplement May Boost Balance, Memory, But Impact on Disease Trajectory Unknown

A study of patients with early Parkinsons disease found that groups with lower levels of vitamin B12 faced on average a more rapid acceleration of both motor and cognitive symptoms, which slowed in some cases after taking a daily multivitamin.

In the two-year study, blood levels of vitamin B12 were tested in 680 patients who had recently been diagnosed with Parkinsons. Researchers led by first author Chadwick Christine, MD, a neurologist with the UCSF Weill Institute for Neurosciences, also assessed patients gait and mobility, ability to perform activities of daily living, cognition and symptoms of depression.

Our findings demonstrate that low B12 levels are associated with greater walking and balance problems, possibly due to the known effect of B12 deficiency on the central and peripheral nervous systems, said Christine. Alternatively, low B12 may have a direct effect on the progression of Parkinsons disease, or it may be a marker of an unknown associated factor, perhaps correlating with another aspect of the disease or nutritional status.

The study was published March 6, 2018, in the early view version of the journal Movement Disorders.

Deficiencies of B12, which are more common in people with Parkinsons than the age-matched general population, are associated with weakness, tiredness, numbness, tingling and walking difficulties symptoms that are found in Parkinsons disease.

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If The Dose Exceeds Patient Need

First of all we learned that if the initial dose of thiamine is too high for the patient, they will experience a worsening of the symptoms after a few days characterized by an initial improvement.

In this case we invite the patient to halt the treatment with high dose thiamine for a week or so, and when the worsening regresses we restart the therapy with lower doses, often half the original dose.

In our experience the correct dose should not lead to collateral/unwanted effects, only to benefits for the patient.

This includes an improvement of UPDRS symptoms by at least 50%, and normalize the pull test.

Hdt + Vitamin Supplements L

1 Week After Thiamine HCL (500mg), Vitamin B1, HDT, Parkinsons

Even though in our experience thiamine is well effective alone, it is possible to add other group B vitamins, including folic acid.

However, we do not begin the therapy with high dose thiamine in addition to multivitamin compounds, especially if these contain vitamin B6. This because vitamin B6 is a facilitator of the peripheral decarboxylase and in PwP may interfere with the amount of L-dopa that reaches the brain and thus worsen the symptoms.

Usually the L-dopa compounds contain inhibitors of such action however since this interference may occur even in presence of inhibitors, we would not be able to detect whether the effectiveness of the high dose thiamine is maximized or if it could be further fostered.

It could also be useful to take a tablet of extended-release magnesium twice a week only. Some thiamine supplements on the market also contain high shares of magnesium and/or other elements. These should be avoided because the patients who do the high-dose thiamine therapy do not benefit from the relatively high doses of other supplements that are inadvertently taken at the same time as the thiamine.

For instance, some thiamine tablets contain 500 mg of thiamine HCL and 100 mg of magnesium. Given the high number of such tablets a patient would take for the thiamine dose throughout the day and the week, and lifelong for that matter, the risk of hyper-concentration of magnesium would be high.

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What Causes Parkinsons Disease

Parkinsons is caused by the degeneration of brain cells in an area of the brain called the substantia nigra. These neurons are responsible for the production of a particular neurotransmitter called dopamine and it is the lack of this neurotransmitter that is responsible for the main Parkinsons symptoms. The cause of the disease is not known. However, like most degenerative illnesses, it is likely to be due to a range of factors including interactions between genes and environment. Contributory factors may include environmental toxicity, physical trauma, genetics, drugs, disease , nutritional deficiency, mitochondrial insufficiency, enzyme deficiency and unremitting stress.

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Many Peopleespecially The Elderlyare Deficient In Vitamin B12

Many people are deficient in vitamin B12, and other B vitamins, for multiple reasons.

For instance, some circumstances either boost the bodys demand for B vitamins or greatly inhibit vitamin B absorption, making supplementation necessary.

Individuals in the following categories have the greatest risk of a vitamin B12 deficiency. For these individuals, the need for a daily supplement can be much more critical.


Many older adults experience a decline in their appetite, reducing their overall dietary intake of all B vitamins. Older individuals may also be unable to absorb naturally occurring vitamin B12. With age, many people develop a loss of certain important functions of the stomach and digestive tract. This includes a decreased production of stomach acid, an intrinsic factor needed to release B12 from foods, and for its absorption in the small intestine.31,32

Certain Medications

Commonly prescribed drugs that reduce stomach acid production decrease absorption of vitamin B12.33 Metformin, the popular diabetes drug, is known to interfere with the absorption of vitamin B12.34,35 Birth control pills can also deplete B12 and other B vitamins.36


B vitamins, especially B12, are important for healthy fetal development. In breast-feeding or pregnant women, a deficiency of B12 can result in severe neurological damage or birth defects in the infant or fetus.37,38

Some Medical Conditions

Vegetarians and Vegans

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How Does Fibre Help

Fibre absorbs fluid as it moves through your bowel, forming a soft stool that can be passed more easily.

It is very important to increase your fluid intake if you increase the fibre in your diet, because too much fibre without enough fluid can increase constipation.

A dietitian can give you more information and advice.

How can I increase my fibre intake?

Fibre is found in cereals, seeds, nuts, fruit, vegetables and pulses, such as peas, beans and lentils. To increase your fibre intake you can try:

  • eating high-fibre varieties of foods, such as wholemeal bread, pasta or brown rice
  • altering recipes to use some wholemeal flour instead of all white flour
  • choosing a breakfast cereal containing wheat, wheatbran or oats, such as Weetabix, porridge or bran flakes
  • eating more vegetables. They can be raw or cooked, fresh or frozen. Try using more peas, beans or lentils
  • eating more fruit. It can be fresh, stewed, tinned or dried. Try bananas, oranges or prunes
  • gradually introducing ground linseeds. You can add 1 teaspoon to cereals, salads or yoghurts to start with and increase this over time to 1 tablespoon. If you do this, make sure you drink an extra glass of fluid a day, otherwise it wont work and may make constipation worse

When increasing your intake of fibre, it is important to do so gradually to avoid bloating or flatulence . Aim to introduce 1 new high-fibre food every 3 days.

Vitamin C And Vitamin E

Thiamine (Vitamin B1) and Parkinson

Vitamin C is found in fruit, vegetables, and the livers of animals. Vitamin E is an antioxidant found in vegetable oils, nuts, seeds, leafy greens, bell peppers, and avocados.

An 18-year study followed 41,058 subjects in Sweden. Within that population, there were 465 cases of Parkinson’s disease. Researchers evaluated vitamin C and E to determine whether antioxidants and total non-enzymatic antioxidant capacity were linked to a lower risk of Parkinsons disease.

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Vitamins For Parkinson’s Disease

Verywell / Michela Buttignol

Apart from traditional pharmaceutical treatments, if you have Parkinsons disease, your doctor may recommend vitamins with antioxidant properties. While it is best to get these from food sources as part of a healthy, balanced diet, some people need to take supplements. These vitamins include:

  • Vitamin B12

Vitamin B1 For Parkinsons

First published on Earth Clinic in 2017 by Art Solbrig, one of Earth Clinics top contributors, high dose vitamin B1 has gone on to make waves throughout the world as a promising vitamin therapy to slow the progression of Parkinsons Disease.

Art had already spent 5 years extensively researching alternative treatments for several friends and acquaintances with Parkinsons Disease when he came across two groups using high-dose Vitamin B1 for patients with Parkinsons Disease.

Below are Arts posts from various sections on Earth Clinic, weaved together here for our readers.

Sadly, like our brilliant contributor Ted from Bangkok, the doctor in Italy that Art had corresponded with similarly suffered a serious stroke in February, 2019 . He passed in spring, 2020 from COVID-19 complications.

On August 1, 2018 Art Solbrig writes Earth Clinic:

Previously I discussed an Italian neurologist that has made a rather remarkable discovery about using a vitamin to very good effect in treating Parkinsons Disease patients. With the passage of time it is becoming very clear that the treatment is very helpful for alleviating many PD symptoms beyond what the meds alone can do.

On July 7, 2017, Art mentions the Thiamine protocol for Parkinsons in a reply to an Earth Clinic reader asking for potential remedies for her brother with Parkinsons.

Art writes, In reply to Mary M. : Hi Mary,

B1 – Thiamine

Thank you.

In reply to Mary M. ,

Hi Mary,

B1 – Thiamine

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Finding The Correct Dose

The correct dose varies on the basis of:

  • Duration of the disease (the longer is the duration of the disease, the higher will be in general the doses
  • Severity of the symptoms and rate of progression of the disease
  • Weight and physical characteristics of the patient
  • Sensitivity/responsiveness to the treatment.

In order to determine the right dose, we usually stick to the following protocol.

In case of recent onset of the disease in patients whose weight is between 50 to 65 kg , we begin the therapy with two grams of thiamine per day, before and after lunch.

In case the patient weighs more, the dose can be three grams per day, always divided into two administrations.

Oral thiamine should not be taken with juices or any sour beverage, water only.

The equivalent Intramuscular administration of thiamine would be:

  • For 2 grams/day orally = 1 x 100mg injectable solution per week
  • For 3 grams/day orally = 2 x 75mg injectable solution per week
  • For 4 grams/day orally = 2 x 100 mg injectable solution per week.

NOTE: When it is administrated through intramuscular injections treatment could lead to allergic reactions . Mainly there are dermatological rushes and allergic phenomena.

NOTE: It is not suggested to use IM high dose thiamine for patients under treatment with anticoagulants since the injection may cause a hematoma in the location of the shot.

The correct dose of high-dose thiamine therapy reduces greatly the symptoms. What remains responds readily to the use of l-dopa.

Why Is The Methylation Cycle Short Circuited

Vlog #116 – Thiamine High Dosage Therapy Protocol For Parkinson’s Disease

Taking a normal dose of B1 and other B vitamins will not convert to the enzymes needed if the methylation cycle that has short circuited. The key question turns on the question â what causes the methylation cycle to bomb out?

The answer is ⦠excessive and unrelenting stress. Anyone who experiences Parkinsonâs symptoms knows that stress has a direct and immediate impact on making symptoms worse. When stressed to the hilt, there is a heavy demand on the methylation cycle. The cycle requires greater quantities of B1 and Thiamine for conversion to the essential enzymes.

  • When you are continuously stressed,
  • When your sympathetic nervous system is choosing to run away or fight ,

Your body is expending all of its available energy to survive. Critical functions have to be protected. The body is designed for survival, not to insure that we feel good.

The heart needs to continuously pump. The lungs need to continue processing oxygen. Simply put, when we are anxious and stressed all the time, there is no energy available to manufacture enzymes which are needed for a less important role of helping us feel better and heal. The within normal range quantity of B1 is unused and discarded. The feel good relax chill out parasympathetic nervous system is deactivated in the interest of survival.

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What Can I Do To Help With Swallowing

Make sure you are comfortable at meal times. The following suggestions may help make it easier to eat:

  • Take your time and eat in a comfortable, quiet place.
  • If you feel you are taking too long and food is getting cold, consider eating smaller, more frequent meals and snacks, or food that is easier to eat.
  • You can buy heated plates to keep food warm for longer or consider serving smaller portions so that a second portion can be kept warm or reheated if its safe to do so.
  • Posture is important to trigger a good swallow. Try eating sitting upright in your chair.
  • Try planning your meals for when your medication is working. Avoid trying to eat large meals when you are off.
  • If you wear dentures try to ensure they fit comfortably. Ask for a review by your dentist if you are concerned.
  • Try to eat when you are less tired, this may mean moving your main meal to lunchtime rather than in the evening.

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